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Hi, Brooke, so of course, we are gearing up now to welcome the new first family into the White House.(Right.)But last night, Showbiz Tonight caught up with the first family of Hollywood, the Julie-Pitts.

The Julie-Pitts, of course. Everything was remarkable, A.J. Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt and his parents hit the red carpet for the premiere of “The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button”. That’s Brad’s brand new movie which opens on Christmas Day. Now, what was most stunning was (that) Brad’s family really opened up to Showbiz Tonight about their superstar son in a rare interview.

Brad’s mom Jane and his dad William gushed about just how proud they both are of Brad's work on and off the big screen. “... but not because of what he does for a living but what kind of person he is.” “I think coming out here and not having any background, not knowing anyone, you are doing what is done, pretty amazing.”

Angelina (was) just beaming there, then it was her turn to go on and on about Brad. Showbiz Tonight asked her to single out the best part of being with Brad, who's been twice named People’s Sexiest Man Alive and is considered by many to be simply “the perfect man”. Angelina’s answer is pretty surprising, check this out. "What is it like to be married to the, or to be with the man who is known for being perfect?", "Ah, you know, I don’t… he, he makes beautiful children." “Ha ha...“

Brad’s parents also told Showbiz Tonight, they are really looking forward to spending the holidays with all of their grandchildren, all fourteen of them, which includes Brad and Angelina’s brood of six ,of course.


be gear up to: 准备好...

gush about: to speak or behave in an overenthusiastic manner

beam: To smile expansively