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Now the hot pix will hit newsstands on Friday. But we are revealing some of the real sizzlers right now. Narrowing down the most attractive and available men in American is a tough job, but somebody's got to do it, and wait till you hear who tops the list. With me tonight in New York, special correspondent for People Magazine Julie Jordan.

Welcome Julie and I have to say there are a total of 91 eligible bachelors on People's list this year, but only one lucky man can claim that top spot. And this year's winner is, can I get a drumroll please, Charles? Mario Lopez, there he is. Certainly not a bad-looking guy, but I have to imagine there is other criteria for judging the hottest bachelor out there, Julie, besides being sexy and single, what makes Mario NO.1?

Well, we look at this issue (as) kind of fun summer reading, so we wanna our cover guy to recreate the sexiest poses throughout history. So, Mario was game , and we needed, you know, a guy who had a really good body. He is doing "A Chorus Line" on Broadway, he has a fitness book-out. so i mean, he is all muscle. And we had him recreate Burt Reynolds in "Cosmopolitan". And I gotta say he kinda came out with a closed set, but he didn't need a robe or a towel, just kinda came in assumed position, and had fun with that.

Yeah, we were just looking at that picture, recreating that photo of Burt Reynolds. My first thought was, my goodness how much does this guy work out. Talk about the good body like you say.

Right! These pictures are amazing, (we, ) you know, he did a Brad Pitt in "Thelma and Louise". He also did every pose you could imagine, Tom Cruise from Top Gun, I mean, the muscles, Marky Mark in the Calvin Klein boxers. I mean, it is just amazing, it's hard to kind of focus on his face, when you see some of these pictures.

Just bulging muscle, seems like he had a good time with it as well.

Yep! So glad you said muscle.

And another, exactly, oops, another hunk that make People's hottest bachelor's list is Jason Lewis. (Right) He is the eye-candy, of course from " Sex and the City" and the TV show " Brothers and Sisters" , and it seems clear from this spread why he made the cut, but other choices were more unexpected, take David Cook, he is the soft-spoken rocker, and this season's winner of the American Idol, (Yep) Julie, what makes David Cook a hot bachelor?

Well, he is a shy one that is kind of fun, especially for singers, you know, when they are singing to their audiences, of course, there is that connection. But for him, singing in front of millions of people, not a problem. But when it comes to being one on one with a pretty girl that he wants to ask out. He says that is kind of tough. So he's still the gentleman, likes to open doors and pay for things, but doesn't really have the smooth moves down just yet.

That is ok.  He doesn't need them.

I know, I don't think he needs them personally.

No, me either he sounds like a nice guy. And we know that David Cook's not the only singer to have made the list. (Right) There's Adam Levine, front man for Maroon 5. And Bret Michaels, (Oh, yes!) Poison's lead singer and star of "rock of love" , Julie, does it just go with a territory that if you are a musician, you are hot?

Well hot and with Bret especially he opens an act of man when who have long hair. For Bret, his hair defines him. It's been a part of who he is over the years. And l love (it) cos' he is like, "I am not afraid to admit it, you know, some year I am gonna invest in serious extensions from Europe. That is not gonna be a problem for me."

He is not ashamed.

No, he is not.

And we can not forget George Clooney, of course, a usual suspect when it comes to this list, Julie, is there ever going to be a hottest bachelor issue that doesn't include Clooney?

Well, it will be a really sad year if one issue we can't. In this year the timing just happened with him breaking up with Sarah Larson, of course, we had to have him back, cos' he is eligible again, you know, he is the quintessential bachelor. I don't think, he's actually said, "I don't think I am gonna get married again in the future." So I can say many bachelor issues to come, we're hoping we will always fill the feature George.