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Autos. Well, let's set the world on fire or just catch fire. For anyone who doubt the auto industry’s ability to ride itself, behold GM’s bold new vehicle.

They are calling it the Personal Urban Mobility and Accessibility Project, or PUMA, if you are in a rush. GM teamed with Segway to develop the adorable electric car, which is designed to be faster and cheaper than looking stupid. They’d all reach speeds at 35 miles per hour and go 35 miles on a single electric charge. Even more, it can fold up and fit inside your ear. Already a number of potential buyers have already signed up including this little guy here. Oh, he’s so cute.

Next year, GM plans to release an even more economical PUMA model shown here.

It’s awesome.

I just love the dog. Karl, what the hell happened to awesome American cars? Somewhere when the environmental movement became bigger, our cars became wheezier?

Yes. Well, I drive, I drive a rascal myself, so that actually too big to me. But I think also this was, uh, Vin Diesel drives one of these in the Fast & Furious Three.

Well why did you bashing this? Finally your little legs can reach the pedal. (Unnecessary, Bill, unnecessary) It’s true. No more riding a big wheel will work for you little eye.

Bill, unnecessary. I was gonna go to you with the question and now you know what, I’m not, I’m not. Hey, Patti, and I bet you have strong feelings over this. And do you believe in this anti-Hummer?

Well, first of all, you’re using the wrong video. That’s the video from when the car from the amusement park ride, got loose and well, rolling down the street. No, I don’t really think, if anything, this reminds me of the movie WALL-E, I think this is gonna encourage people to, like ride to some place that they could have walked or biked and it’s truly scary to me.

That’s an incredible point, it's like it’s not replacing gas-guzzlers, it’s just replacing walking.

Yea, coz you’re not gonna take that thing on a highway. If you’re billed for local, and you can, wow, just walk away.

Find them always, totally.

Yes. I bet Pinch would well, er, would drive one. Wouldn’t you, Pinch?

Well, I'll tell you something, Greg. This car actually reminds me of the Nano, currently been made in Mumbai. It’s the cheapest car in the world and by the way, Greg, Mumbai happens to be in India. Don’t you know.

I understand that.

You might wanna read an international section to know such thing.

I saw Slumdog Millionaire, don’t you know.

Oh, your stereotypical hum.


There are much more than that. It’s not just squalor. They don't all just live in houses made of feces.

Yes, they do.

No, they do not.

All right. Hey, Baker, last word on this, would you drive one?

Oh, first of all, three things. One, you went to Pinch before you came to me. Two, I don’t think anybody on Red Eye has ever been an anti-Hummer. And three, when I saw this story in the preshow briefing I thought just no way in hell it’s gonna stay on the program. So I didn’t read it.

Ah, ah… At least you’ve been honest, my friend. (I don’t apply that.) Bill, what it’s so handsome. I don’t know what I do.

All right. This next…


1.       Segway: 赛格威思维车是一种电力驱动、具有自我平衡能力的个人用运输载具,是都市用交通工具的一种。

2.       wheezy: making a noisy sound in your throat or chest, because you cannot breathe easily

3.       rascal: A Motorized Wheelchair most commonly driven by the elderly and seen going to the Grand Canyon on commercials

4.       Fast & Furious: 《速度与激情》

5.       gas-guzzler: a car that uses a lot of petrol

6.       squalor: A filthy and wretched condition or quality

7.       feces: 渣滓(排泄物,粪便)