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苹果公司近期发布了一款革命性的无键盘的苹果笔记本电脑MacBook Wheel,其最大的卖点就是那个Wheel,传统的键盘被1个巨大触控圆盘(貌似iPod)代替了,但输入速度却可以用飞快来形容。

This world is buzzing over Apple’s latest must-have gadget, the MacBook Wheel, a revolutionary new laptop that does away without keyboard.Tech Trends reporter Jeff Tate has more.

Thanks Andrea. Say goodbye to the keyboard and hello to the future of laptop computers. With the MacBook Wheel, Apple has replaced the traditional keyboard with the slick touch-sensitive click wheel. Apple CEO Steve Jobs introduced the product yesterday at the annual Mac expo.

Senior Product innovator Brian Gilman says the MacBook Wheel will make typing a thing of the past. Apple’s philosophy is to create products that are simple to use, and nothing is more simple than a single giant button. Gilman showed me how the revolutionary new computer works.

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