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The message is everywhere.I need a bank suddenly seems like a brilliant idea.

Save, save, save, in these tough times, that's the mantra it's always been a good idea, but can we take frugality too far?

“It is a very negative state of the mind, physically and emotionally for you to constantly be saying no to yourself.”

Call it saver’s remorse, more money in the bank, but are you any happier? Columbia professor Ran Kivez who co-author the study on this very subject, says not indulging enough can hurt you emotionally.

“This emotion that we full missing out an life, such as missing out the pleasure, that we are missing some balance, that type of emotion or feeling actually persists over time and sometimes even buds up.”

Personal saving jumped from 0.8% in August to 5% in January, and in some cases we are saving when we don't have to, so focused on the future, we are not enjoying the here in now.

“When you are restricting what you purchase and what you give yourself, you are living in a brain state of scarcity, and that makes people depressed.”

So what's the answer? Continue to save, but don't forget to treat yourself, even in a recession.
“In this tough economy, people feel out of control. In a deeper level, buying and indulging in certain small pleasures gives you a sense of control.

And some people say life is too short to have saver’s remorse“Our future isn't that long, I mean... Why do you all do that?”

Bottom line: everything in moderation, spend a little, save a little. Psychologists say balance your checkbook, but also balance your emotional checkbook that they say will keep you healthy.

Alina Cho, cnn, New York