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中新网4月28日电 法新社等媒体消息,美国官员27日说,美国猪流感确诊病例已经上升至44人。



他在美国国家科学院发表讲话的时候,奥巴马说,这个星期充分显示了科学有多么地重要。 美国政府说,机场和边界关卡的官员将展开他们所称的“被动式监测”。

Good morning. From the cnn Center here in Atlanta, I'm Melissa Long. It is Monday, April 27th. Here are some of the headlines making news this morning.

The US has stepped up efforts to control the spread-- the deadly swine flu virus. There are now border checks in place for people who may have the flu. So far there are 20 confirmed cases in the US. President Obama commented on the outbreak this morning.

We're closely monitoring the emerging cases of swine flu in the United States. And this is obviously a cause for concern that requires a heightened state of alert. But it's not a cause for alarm. And the Department of Health and Human Services has declared a public health emergency as a precautionary tool to ensure that we have the resources we need at our disposal to respond quickly and effectively.

General Motors is facing out its pointed outline as part of its plans /is/ to cut 23,000 jobs by 2011. It's a part of its massive restruction plan to avoid bankruptcy. It will also be fewer car dealerships. GMs plans to sell a 3rd fewer vehicles.

Iowa, excuse me, is now issuing same sex marriage licenses. This new video this morning is Couples who are lining up in Iowa outside the court house in the morning. Catholic officials start processing same sex marriage applications when they open for business. State law requires a 3-day waiting period before couples get married but judges can wait the rule and allow immediate weddings.

I think there will be a number of us who turn out, who just feel like it's been so long and it's such a significant victory, urh, for a community we all want to participate in that. But there's also a feeling of, you know, this is something like they can take away, right away, you know. That this is gonna be around for a couple of years. You don't have to rush in anything.

And forget about a bull in a china shop. How about a bull in a grocery store? Well, see the bull barging in this supermarket. This is in Ireland. Workers used a shopping car at one point to try to offend it off. But there, when the farmer who owned the bull followed it into the store, the bull chased after him as well. That's how it finally got out of the supermarket actually. No one was injured.

Be sure to stick with cnn and cnn.com 24/7 for news from all around the world.