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天生我材必有用 智障儿童具备拼写天赋


Oh, we have too many these guys, and you gotta hate this one. This guy is particularly hateable. Right now, we got a very special guest here in the studio. With “this” I do mean special.

Some idiots advanced their skills with music or numbers. Twelve-year-old James Kimura’s skill is spelling. Like a real life Rain Man.

That’s right, Tracy. Here’s him winning the New Jersey State Spelling Bee. He did such a good job there that he gets to represent the state in the National's. And he joined us live right here in the Today Now Studios. James, good morning.

Good morning to you. James, we’re both so proud of you.

Yeah, when I won, I would like ‘Yes’!

But James, tell us how do you get to be able to spell like that. My brain works normally, so I don’t, I can’t even find it.

I study like two or three hours a day.

What is going on in your brain right now? I think you can probably understand everything we’re saying but is it all jumbled up and maybe you see random colors and flashes and stuff like that.

Oh, I don’t. I’m just…I’m fine.

I understand your school has actually put you into a specialized institution… the gifted and talented program?

Well, those are accelerated learning classes.

Ah, is that what they’re calling now?


Well let’s take another look at you up on that big high stage.

e-u-d-a-e-m-o-n-i-c, eudaemonic.

That’s correct.

Tracy, look at him in there. He may not be able to feed himself but he can spell the word I cannot even pronounce.

Woo…I can feed myself. I am just fine.

James, the other kids must be so cruel to you, aren't they?

No, they treat me fine.

Do they call your names?

No, I’m fine.

No, I bet they do.

I bet they've really hurt your feelings.

They never called my names.

Well, James, do you know if your mother did a lot of drinking or had a drug problem while she was pregnant with you.

No, she didn’t. She was fine.

I really admire her strength in raising you. I mean I would have just tossed you in the gutter to end your agony.

There’s nothing wrong with me. I’m just smart.

Right. James , if you want to howl or pound your head against something, you just go ahead and do it.

There’s nothing wrong with me. I’m just smart.

You just do whatever you have to do.

No, I’m just…I’m just smart.