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Discussion Forum七嘴八舌讨论区

What do you think of the job market for university graduates?

Opinion 1
       Just look at me, you’ll figure out how terrible the job market it is now! I’ve worked at the bank for eight years but I still have to face the fact of being laid off. New graduates, you gotta face reality—getting the ideal job is just a dream.

         身受其害的人总是最有说服力的。说话者在银行工作了八年,仍难逃裁员的噩运,可想而知如今的就业环境是如何恐怖。不过做人还是要面对现实(face the fact),不仅是过来人要勇敢面对被裁员(be laid off)的现实,刚刚毕业的大学生也应该考虑现实。所谓理想工作,可能只能在梦里才有了。

Opinion 2
       If the job market is really that competitive, you should plan ahead and accept what you can get. Don’t forget the old saying, when the going gets tough, the tough get going. Don’t be so picky about your job offers.

         在那么激烈的就业竞争中我们究竟能做什么?说话者建议说,既然现实如此,不如早做准备(plan ahead),并且珍惜那些你获得的机会。不要挑三拣四(picky)。我们不是经常教育小孩子要“愈挫愈勇”吗?英语中则有“When the going gets tough, the tough get going.”这句话中,前一个tough表示环境恶劣的意思,而后一个tough则是表示坚强不屈。在艰苦恶劣的环境下,只有坚强勇敢的人才能继续走下去。这句话可是美国总统肯尼迪的老父亲经常挂在嘴边的一句话呢。

Opinion 3
       I don’t think it’s a good time to compete with those who want jobs badly now. I plan to continue my postgraduate study. I believe knowledge will lead me to a bright future. My advice is to study the job trends before you pour more money into a bad situation.

         这位说话者给我们展示了另外一种选择。他觉得在这个时候去跟人家争抢工作并不是时候,他选择继续研究生课程,深造下去。他相信知识会引领他走向一个光明的未来(Knowledge will lead me to a bright future.)。不过他还建议大家仔细研究一下就业趋势,不要砸了钱,情况却依旧糟糕。“pour into”指大量投入,尤指投入精力、时间或金钱去做某事。

Opinion 4
        Well, students complain that jobs are hard to find every single year. So what? You still have to get prepared for every interview. I often tell my students that you have what it takes; don’t hold your breath, thinking the job will come to you. You must reach out.

         这位说话者是位老师。她说每一年都有学生抱怨工作难找,那又怎样(So what)?抱怨过后还是得为每一次面试作准备。“So what”表达“那又怎样”的意思时,有不满、不屑的情绪夹杂其中。说话者经常给自己的学生打气,认为他们已经拥有一切成功的必要条件(what it takes)。她希望学生们不要守株待兔,而应该主动主击(reach out),这样才能找到好工作。

Opinion 5
       Today many university students are inclined to work in big cities. Actually, there are tons of job opportunities in the rural areas. If university graduates can lower their expectations and develop their working skills step by step, will good job opportunity be far away?

         如今大城市似乎成了许多毕业生就业的首选地方,其实农村也有很多就业机会。如果大学毕业生能降低期望值(lower one’s expectations),一步一步(step by step)地增强工作技能,那好工作还会远吗?短语“be inclined to”表示“倾向于……的” 。

Opinion 6
       The global economic crisis is expected to drag on for months. Don’t blame about the stinky market but do question about the higher education system. The government should take this expanding labor need into account when they keep increasing the number of university students who can enroll every year.

         这位说话者看问题的角度跟前面的几位都截然不同,他认为经济危机还是会持续下去(drag on)。但是问题的症结不在于市场,而在于整个高等教育系统。他觉得,政府当初高考扩招时就应该把这不断增加的劳动力需求考虑进去。“take sth. into account”是颇常见的表达方式,表示“考虑到……”、“把……考虑进去”的意思。

Opinion 7
        Come on, don’t be so pessimistic! If you think out of the box, you will find dozens of ways to start a new career. You just have to be patient and keep trying. That’s it!

        其实,不用太悲观(Don’t be so pessimistic.)。如果你跳出条条框框来看问题,你会发现还有好多方法可以展开一份新的事业。“think out of the box”形象地说明了跳出框框、打破陈规的意思。在目前的情况下,我们能做的只有耐心地尝试,最终获得成功。