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据香港明报援引《卫报》称,《世界新闻报》(News oftheWorld)最近向3宗疑遭窃听手机信息的公众人物,作出庭外和解赔偿,其中英国职业足球员协会主席泰勒(GordonTaylor)获赔70万镑损失及讼费,并与《世界新闻报》签署同意“封口”条款,答应不透露事件。

Actors, politicians, sport stars and other celebrities are thought to be considering suing the News of the World for hacking into their mobile phones. Legal action could amount to millions of pounds in damages, Mark Steven represents two who believe they were targeted.

“I think people are going to be looking for settlements with a significant amount of money, we’ve seen with the max mostly case that invasion of privacy, now attracting significant amounts of money in terms of damages. And so once you at legal cause to that ,we are gonna be talking in their couple of hundred thousand per person making a claim, and that’s going to be a large amount of money. ”

Two football legends, Alex Ferguson and  Alan Shearer , of the latest said they have been bugged in messages left with Gordon Taylor, the player's  Union Boss, He was paid 700,000 pounds by the paper in the secret civil case settlement. Dozens more victims who sue successfully could cost the paper owners ,News International, much more.

The Guardian Newspaper claimed that evidence of widespread hacking was uncovered during the case of News of the World, the royal editor Clive Goodman, he was jailed with the private investigator two years ago. The director of public prosecutions is reviewing the police evidence that didn’t lead to charges against other staff of the paper.

The police ruled out reopening the Clive Goodman case, but they are two new investigations by Peace committee and the Press Complaints commission, they are asking once again who else knew what Clive Goodman was up to.

Did Andy Coulson know? he was Clive Goodman’s editor, he said he didn’t, but he took responsibility and quit. He’s now the T. party’s chief media advisor. The Lib dem Chris Huhne Scotland Yard of neglect of duty in ruling out too quickly a reopening of the case. He is asking the independent police complaints commission to investigate.

“Given the scale and scope of the allegations,” he said. “the possibility that other journalists and investigators were involved must now be seriously considered.”

But News International strongly denied any other journalists said that they did legally, in a letter to the Mp’s media watchdog committee,the company’s new chief executive R.W. wrote:“the Guardian coverage, we believe, has substantially and likely deliberately misled the British public. ”.The company insisted that it ended staff would be zoulerated by any new investigation.

Martin Brunt, Sky news. Scotland Yard.