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建妓院 只为圆伦敦奥运梦想


It's not everyone's idea of a suitable career, but Logan Campbell has set up a brothel, because he has an Olympic dream. The 23-year-old taekwondo competitor needs almost 200,000 dollars to compete in London 2012.

It's perfectly legal, so I don't see why it should wreck my chances.

Campbell's parents funded his Beijing campaign, but he says he's sick of relying on them and insists they support his latest venture. The sports governing body in New Zealand isn't quite so impressed.

It maybe unlikely that he would be selected because of his involvement.

Campbell finished in the top 16 in Beijing. But he's recently lost a 15,000-dollar grant for not competing.

I did compete three months ago in New Zealand and I wiped out all the rest of competitions quite easily.

Campbell says he'll launch his London bid in 2011 after he's made 300,000 dollars from the brothel.

Sonia Legg, Reuters.