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还找不到工作? 超市正招兵买马呢


As we discussed earlier in the program despite signs the economy is improving, the job’s recovery still appears to be far-off. But as we hear from NBC’s Roger O’Neil tonight, there is one industry that is still hiring in big numbers even in hard times.

Handling organic cilantro(芫荽叶,香菜叶) was not in Professor Mark Fifer’s plans as he earned a PHD.

The dissertation was on the use of fictional forms of autobiography in Peruvian literature.

But in this economy a steady job at a grocery store trumps no job in teaching.

There is something that's more fun and more simple about a job that you clock in at nine and leave at five.

Grocers have not only weathered the recession better than most. They have the two words millions are looking for: "Now Hiring". Publix 600 jobs, 800 at Whole Foods, Wegmans 2000 jobs and Wal-Mart 22000 jobs this year.

And the phone is ringing off the hook.

The grocers’ bottom line has improved as people go out less.

People still need to eat. We continue to service more customers.

And that’s been a boom in cheaper private label brand. With its own dairy, Publix is creating jobs competing head to head with name brands and guaranteeing savings of 10 to 30%. Whole Foods says its private 365 label is cutting organic prices.

That “Now Hiring” sign is also attracting better educated and more knowledgeable worker. But Jim Mckelvie’s degree in automotive didn’t train him to look for a job.

They’re out there. You just have to look really hard for.

Let’s face it no one’s gonna get rich with an entry level eight to ten dollars an hour grocery store job. But paying the mortgage does save the house and true story at one of the grocers: yesterday’s beggar is today’s company president.

Welcome to Wal-Mart.

New workers aren’t promising career commitments, but steady work with benefits and advancement is keeping them longer. Professor Fifer says while he’s not teaching 18-year-olds about great literature, He is educating thirtysomethings about fine wines, still teaching with a PHD.

Roger O'Neil, NBC News, Tampa.


1.       trump: to do better than someone else in a situation when people are competing with each other

2.       clock in: register one's arrival at work打卡

3.       ring off the hook: 电话响个不停

4.       thirtysomething: someone between the age of 30 and 39