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Hello, everyone, welcome to Good Money, your trusted source for personal finance advice, I'm Tanya Rivero in New York.

Are you single in dating in a new relationship? Well, how comfortable are you talking money with your boyfriend or girlfriend. Perhaps you don't believe it's any of their business. How you choose to spend / your money? After all, you are not married, why should you share personal financial information. But what if the relationship is getting more and more serious, perhaps you are even thinking about moving in together. What then will experts say discussing your finances with your partner is key to a lasting relationship. So they teach us how to be less emotional and more strategic when it comes to taking money with our partners. We are joined by Ramit Sethi, founder and writer of Iwillteachyoutoberich.com as well as author of a new book-I Will Teach You to be Rich. Welcome back, Ramit.

Hi, Tanya, nice to be here.

All right. So most of us know, at least most of us who are here know DTR stands for define the relationship. It can be either a painful conversation or a pleasant one. But when it comes to money, you say this is a necessary conversation.

Yeah, it absolutely is, I mean, think of the way we mostly deal with money in relationships. We see our partner maybe overspending, we nag them, we complain about it with our friends. And then we repeat for the next 30 years. Right? (Right). There is got to be a better way of handling money rather than sitting down and wanting to take that sweat off your forehead, drown yourself with it. And, there is, there is if you do it in the right way and you approach the right way. There is a way to minimize the pain and maximize the savings that you have with your partner.