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In Lebanon, beauty is big business. If you don't think you look perfect, you get plastic surgery. If you can't afford it, take out a bank loan. First National Bank launched its plastic surgery loan two years ago. We ask the bank's head of marketing if during the current financial crisis, clients are still borrowing for beauty.

Plastic surgery and the numbers of people applying do not decrease at all.

The loan from 500 to 5,000 dollars is still one of the most asked-about loans of the bank's call centre. Mezher says for Lebanese buying beauty is not an extravagance, but rather a social necessity.

You cannot find a job if you are not good-looking. You cannot get a partner, get a marriage if you are not good-looking. People will reject you socially if you are not good-looking. So Lebanon is a show-off country. For us, it is not a luxury, it is our top priority.

It's beautiful eyes you have.

Plastic surgeon Edouard Abdelnour agrees the psychological factor is key, especially when times are tough.

You point to me what bothers you in your nose. (Here.)

It's not a very expensive way of feeling better, because financially, it is still quite cheap compared to the other plastic surgery centers in the world.

The all inclusive cost of a nose job sets you back around 2,000 dollars, breast augmentation, around 4,000. But the global crisis has yet to hit the average Lebanese hard. Strict banking regulations, high liquidity in reserves, and a well-honed national talent for enduring crisis have so far protected the banking sector. Abdelnour performs about 20 surgeries a week and says his practice has seen minimal impact from the financial crisis.

What is on the increase is combined surgery which means you do your breast and your tummy tuck, and sometimes your nose at the same time.

Lebanon is a regional hub for medical tourism, especially plastic surgery. Beirut's hotels, restaurants, and clinics are winding down from a busy summer season, catering to Lebanese expats, and visitors from the oil-rich, cash-rich gulf countries.

In addition to the 87 officially registered plastic surgeons here in Lebanon, it's estimated there are at least as many unlicensed practitioners. So while it's clear the plastic surgery is a multi-million-dollar business, how many millions exactly is almost impossible to gage.

Investing in beauty is not just about going under the knife, but about overall spending in the cosmetics industry. Beauty guru Leila Obeid says she felt the financial pinch at her high-end beauty centre during the first quarter.

People were still spending, but the quantity of people that were still spending were less.

Obeid is confident that her cosmetic clientele will keep coming if not the financial crisis does hit hard.

So do you think that there is any circumstance where Lebanese women would stop spending money on their beauty?

I think, impossible. I think the Lebanese did create a fashion which says you have to look always young. And they will do anything to keep young.

Schams Elwazer, cnn, Beirut.


1.       set back: to cost someone a lot of money

2.       expat: an expatriate