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US President Barack Obama sounded an optimistic note about the state of global cooperation as he wrapped up the G20 summit.

"And here in Pittsburgh, we’ve taken several significant steps forward to secure our recovery, and transition to strong, sustainable, and balanced economic growth. We brought the global economy back from the brink. We laid the groundwork today for long-term prosperity as well."

The G20 itself emerged as one of the winners as leaders agreed it would be the primary forum to coordinate global policy. Once again, the gathering of international leaders was marked by anti-globalization protests. The G20 agreed to rein in financial industry accesses that triggered the credit crisis two years ago. Tighter rules on bank capital reserves are now expected by the end of 2010.

"We agreed to take concrete steps to move forward with tough, new financial regulations so that crisis like this can never happen again. Never again should we let the schemes of a reckless few put the world's financial system and our people's well-being at risk."

The leaders also once again pledged to secure a deal next year in a long-running world trade talks. Disclosure of a second Iranian uranium enrichment plant gave Obama with the leaders of Britain and France at his side an opportunity to press for united action against Tehran over its disputed nuclear program. President Obama received a warm reception at the G20, but the real test will come when leaders return home and the time comes to deliver on those summit promises.

Deborah Lutterbeck, Reuters, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.