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Did you know that in general we have on the average, i guess, about 26 eletronic gadgets in our house and they are constantly all pluging them and charging them and very little that power actually goes to chargers. Some of it is just regularly running power that you are paying for. And it's anywhere from 10 to 14 dollars a month that you are paying for.

Well, now here comes the new buzz on all these electronic chargers that are kind of solar power. So we're saying maybe change your charging to something this little solar power. First thing we gonna start is the power film. This was developed military application here. And look at this. It folds up and then unfolds. This is expensive it's about 100 Bucks but it can charge even a car battery that's how much you can get out of this if you undo this whole thing and kind of leaving it in the sun. And there is a smaller version here to power of the power film. it's kind of fold-up version.

But Look, remember you're thinking of solar panels as those big huge heavy things that go on roofs. Look at this. That's a solar charge right there. Unbelievable. Now, get to the Solio. These things are a little costly though, let me bring this over here now, I will tell you with the Solio. Still this one is about 80 bucks so we've got the cost down on this. But still it works you can plug in your electronic gadgets and let me get this right it's about an hour of sunshine delivers about 15 minutes of talk or 14 minutes of music in the little charge gadgets like a phone.

And here is something brand new you are seeing here, the NOVOTHINK Surge.This is the first one that has ever been approved by Apple to recharge your things like the ipod and the iphone. So you just kind of slide it in there, set it over and this one delivers pretty powerful charge. 2 hours of sunlight gives you 16 minutes of talk time. But the cost is 70 dollars. so again I'm telling all these people great ideas just get that cost down. That's a little bit too much for me right now. But a good idea.

 大意:购物台推销员通过比较几种产品,最后隆重推出最省钱,最迷你的NOVOTHINK Surge,70美元。

1. come the new buzz:

the buzz,是指大家对某人或某事的谈论。

【例句】Oh well, all the buzz in the media about their personal lives probably didn't help their marriage that much.

2. NOVOTHINK Surge:Novothink, a manufacturer of alternative electronic devices, has just released their Solar Surge for the iPod and iPhone Touch.

3. Solio: 花瓣式太阳能充电器