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长岛大学毕业典礼 希拉里致辞



Your team is the Pioneers, after all. A new generation of young pioneers making a difference. New technology that hasn't even been dreamed of, let alone invented. Taking on new responsibilities and I hope you will stay here on Long Island. I hope you will stay in New York. I hope you will do everything you can to make this a place that is still vibrant and growing and I pledge to you I will do what I can to make Long Island affordable. A place to live, work and raise a family for generations to come. You know, this beautiful place, this long island has almost become a victim of its own success. Housing prices, taxes, the cost of living. We have to make sure that our young people as well as our teachers, our police officers, our firefighters have a place to live where they want to be. Some of you will go far from here and you will remember this campus and the entire university with great appreciation I hope because you are so well equipped now. And never forget that even though most of the people you know, that you socialize with, that you're friends with are more than likely college graduates, that is not true of the vast majority of Americans yet. So you have been given a gift and with it comes a responsibility.
