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长岛大学毕业典礼 希拉里致辞


Now as a mother myself, I'm anxious about the future, but I'm optimistic at the same time. I have the same concerns that my mother had for me and my brothers when we were growing up and going out into the world. But we know so much more now than was known before. You can't get away from what's happening in the world. The world it's said has shrunk or become flat. We're connected in ways we never were before. So how do we deal with these new challenges? Well, the other day I was speaking about my concerns for the future. And I said that I wanted to make sure that young people would work hard because we're in competition with jobs. When I was sitting where you are now, I didn't have to worry about competition from China or India. That was just the furthest thing from my mind. There were no global pressures like you will face as you mark your own way. And I said, you know, we need to get every young person to really get a sense of commitment and to work hard. Well, my daughter heard that I said that and she called and she said, "Mom I do work hard and my friends work hard." And I said, "I know that. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to convey any impression that you don't work hard. I just want to set the bar high because we are in a competition for the future." We can't take anybody or anything for granted.
