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I used to breed a Gloucester Old Spots for meat, only on a small scale, and I'd give them all the pint of beer before I take them to the abattoir, play them classical music. And when I went to pick them up I knew who they were, and it's just, used to break my heart, and I couldn't eat them, so this is perfect for me, because I don't have to take them to the abattoir.

They are by their nature very clean, so they will never mess around where they eat or sleep, so they'll get far away from those two places as far as possible to do their business, so if you show them a little tray when they are very young or you show them a corner of the garden ,they always go back to the same place. They are highly intelligent, they are the fourth most intelligent animal after humans, monkeys and dolphins, and just once they've bonded with you which can take a matter of hours. They are so affectionate to you. I mean they look at you like you are another pig. There is a famous Winston Churchill saying that cats look down on you, dogs look up to you, but the pig looks you like an equal.

As these people, would you eat your dog? You know, I mean these are more intelligent than dogs, so you know, we will see what happens, I mean I couldn't eat these, no way, people are welcomed to, if they want to, but it's an expensive sandwich.

It's a good book, isn't it? Do you like it? Not impressed. That's great!