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The alleged mastermind of the September 11th attacks Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four others will be sent for prosecution to a criminal court in New York within a few blocks of the site of the attacks. Attorney General Eric Holder.

Today I am announcing that the Department of Justice will pursue prosecution in Federal Court of the five individuals accused of conspiring to commit the 911 attacks.

Holder said the U.S. would seek the most severe punishment. I fully expect to direct prosecutors to seek the death penalty against each of the alleged 911 conspirators.

Some Republicans on Capitol Hill have called the decision to try terrorism suspects in regular courts risky and irresponsible, saying it could put citizens in harm’s way. Bruce Fein was an Associated Deputy Attorney General in the Reagan Administration.

I commend the fact that the Department’s expressed confidence in the constitution and due process of law. It's always been my view that the 911 attackers were criminals, they weren’t warriors.

Mohammed claimed responsibility for the 9/11 attacks and said he was behind numerous other attacks. One difficulty prosecutors may face Mohammed was interrogated 183 times using water boarding which simulates drowning leading to questions about the reliability of his statements. Fein says the information from these interrogations may not be needed.

I don't think in his case where he’s almost boasted about his prime role in masterminding 911 that they'll need to use any of that evidence.

The move marks one of the first major steps by the Obama Administration to close the prison which the president originally vowed to do by January 22, 2010. Holder conceded the administration is not likely to meet that deadline.