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福特在巴西下注 投资20亿美元


Ford Motor is betting on Brazil. The US auto giant is planning on investing more than 2 billion dollars in Brazil to boost output as record-low borrowing costs and recovery in what is Latin America's largest economy still demand for new cars. Mark Fields is Ford's President of the Americas.

"I am very proud to be part of the 4-billion- reai announcement and proud to commit to you the 2.8 billion reais that would be invested right here at the common city site."

Ford expects the investments to create 1,000 jobs and increase annual output at plants in Northeastern Brazil to 300,000 cars from about 250,000 now. Brazil's government will extend state and federal tax breaks to Ford. Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva。

 "We created in this moment when the world is facing unemployment. We have created 1.3 million new jobs during the crisis year. This means that 1.3 million heads of families are taking food back home."

Ford is the fourth largest automaker by sales in Brazil and ranks second in the United States behind General Motors.

Deborah Lutterbeck, Reuters