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Michael Jackson's former Doctor Conrad Murray is out on bail this morning after pleading not guilty to a charge of involuntary manslaughter in the pop star's death. ABC's George Lewis is outside of Los Angeles Supreme court with more.

George, good morning.

Good morning Meredith. We are learning some new things this morning about Michael Jackson's death. This as his doctor begins his defense against charges that he carelessly killed his most famous patient.

Jackson's family present for the court session doesn't buy Dr. Murray's not-guilty plea accusing him of not keeping a close enough eye on Jackson after giving him a powerful anesthetic.

--He's lying. He's guilty. Nobody was there but him.

Monday night, Michael Jackson's father told cnn's Larry King that he doesn't believe Murray is the only person responsible for his son's death.

--To me,he is just a fall guy, there's other people I think involved with this whole thing.

Joe Jackson did not elaborate. There was a circus atmosphere outside the court house with Murray having the walk pass angry Michael Jackson fans on his way inside.

In papers filed with the court, the State Attorney General's Office urged the judge to suspend Murray's license to practice medicine. The judge didn't do that but did order Murray to stop administering any anesthetics specifically Propofol, the drug that the coroner says killed Jackson.

--You are not to be using that, you're not to prescribe that, you're not to have it in any manner what's so ever.

Jackson died last June. Murray admitted giving the singer Propofol for insomnia. Now a newly released 51 page coroner's report says the levels of Propofol in Jackson's body were quote:"similar to those found during general anesthesia for major surgery." The report also says Jackson was wearing a wig that his hair was thin in spots and balding. And it confirms accounts that Jackson had a disease that was causing his skin to turn lighter, the report saying there was depigmentation of the skin. Other details included Jackson's weight 136 pounds and the fact that there was a jar of urine at the foot of his bed.

Murray's lawyer argues the state doesn't have that much of a case against his client.

--If he took a made-minds to get to this far, it must be difficult for them.

One thing that may work in Murray's favor: the coroner's report says that Jackson had lung damage. Murray's team may be able to call experts who would testify that contributed to the singer's death, raising doubts in the minds of juries.

Murray was freed on 75,000 dollars bail and ordered not to leave the country. While he was awaiting his court appearance in Los Angeles, Murray visited Michael Jackson's grave site. Murray's lawyer insisted the two men were close friends and the doctor never did anything to cause Michael Jackson's death.

Because of security concerns, Murray's trial is going to be moved from this court house near the LA Airport to downtown. Murray's next court date April 5th. Meredith.

All right George Lewis, thank you very much.