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There are so many new countries which are coming into the game. I mean China is one of them and Cartier is doing so well in China because we’ve been there for the last couple of, ten years, I would say. And during a lot investments now I mean China is for us a kind of what we would say, an El Dorado.

So the next decade is Asia Pacific.

I think so. I think so.

How do you maintain(make)?

But don’t turn down Europe yet. Because Europe might come back so I mean the world, I mean there’s a creation of wealth and you need that for luxury for the revolution of the luxury business and I think that to a brand like Cartier which is to be supposed to the most beautiful brand in the world needs, you know, all these people. And they are all our clients and there we see a number of clients, you know, going up and up.

How do you maintain loyalty, brand loyalty?

Beautiful products, desirability and service of excellence

How do you still become or stay relevant at a time when so much new, so many new things are coming out?

It is a combination of fantasy product. You must have people dreaming on your products dreaming on your story on your culture on your heritage on your savoir-faire. I mean all those things are composing your DNA and the relevance of your brand.

Do you worry about other brands that are coming out that are embarking on this luxury industry in this new decade?  Do you worry about the competition that they pose, the fresh ideas that they bring in?

No, I’m not worried at all. I say to them, you know, welcome to the club.

Bring it on?

I mean, yeah, welcome to the club. Because the more they will be talking about luxury, the more they will be spending money to tell all the customers please buy branded jewelry buy branded watches buy branded accessories the more we’ll benefit.

The world of high-end watch business is as always as being a little bit paralyzed by its history. People are working on the legitimacy being I would say marketing topic. That is to say I am from the 19th century or from the 18th century so this is my legitimacy. So you know the choice then to create the legitimacy from the product itself.

How do you build brand loyalty?

When you are, when you are coming in, not from nowhere because I’m always being in the watch industry but when you come with a new concept, it’s only your final customer that can give you this legitimacy so and this loyalty.

Luxury is also defined as a product that has a sense of timelessness to it. How do you create that with the brand that’s so new or are you redefining luxury?

No I think the only way to do that is not to put any pressure on yourself in terms of development. You put the pressure on yourself only in terms of innovation, extreme quality without looking at numbers. Because if you start looking at numbers you start becoming commercial and if you start becoming commercial you lose your soul and you lose the spirit of the brand.  

El Dorado n. 传说中的宝山;(西)理想中的黄金国

High-end adj. relating to products or services that are more expensive and of better quality than other products of the same type

Savoir-faire n. the ability to do and say the right things in social situations

Legitimacy n. undisputed credibility