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We're gonna eat everything on the street.

Yeah, we're gonna eat our way up and down the street. We're just talking about KFC has Beijing Duck style hamburger, Beijing Duck sandwiches.

And you like it?

I love it. It's really really lovely.

We're eating the real bill.

So,What's this? This is egg?

This is delicious.

This is some duck's egg(Duck's egg,ok)

These cucumbers, we had these yesterday and these ones, these ones are better than yesterday, these are the best cucumbers so far.

This is square noodles.

Square noodles? We're eating the square noodles. This is braised lamb with noodles or in Chinese,


Latiaozi,So we've finished eating and we're cruising in the taxi to go to the bus station to take the bus to go to the Great Wall.