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Now, we're going ahead into the kitchen for a little fun with our gadgets and our food editor. Sara Moulton has been hard at work testing new kitchen tools and she is here now. All under $20.Sara.

All under $20, yeah.

I love it.

I’ve been spending the whole year, I mean while you’ve been working I've been just playing around with kitchens.

This is great. Sam wanted to take part also and I saw him in the Teas earlier.

Yeah he is standing there. I don't know just have anything left for him to do down there. He is having so much fun. OK, let's start. These are bag grips. And what these are? They're, you take a bag, you bring home a bag of marshmallows and after you open it now what, (stale) you're not gonna eat the whole thing one fell swoop right? So what do you do? you cut open the top, you separate the two parts of this, and you put this down first, and then you just fold this over, and you put the lid on, and then it won’t go stale, and you just open it up, right, you gonna pour. Yeah, you just pour.

Genius, Genius, that’s brilliant.

Now let me tell you something funny. One of the talk guys there said wait a second you can’t get your hands in there.

That is brrilient.

I said, no, that's not the point. You just wanna be able to pour it.
And you seem do that with beans and different kind of ...
Anything, yes.
The chip one is genius too, because they always go stale if you don't have.
Yes, there have the large ones there.
Can you get your hand in that one?

Well maybe you could.

For potato chips, you would

If you try hard and…Ok, now, you probably use pot holders at home. I use dish towels. They often catch fire and they take up a lot of room. So these are the new things they're called Pinch Grips.

They catch fire? I know…

Well, I have a lot of fires in my kitchen, you know what, and…whatever. But these are these are really great tool and they fit into the drawer. They're tiny and they're very, looked at this or you can take off the lid and they’re just great and come in fun colors. It’s silicon so you don't hurt your hands.


Highly recommend. Ok now.

And very inexpensive.

I know this is what you're really expected about. OK, so you’ve seen apple slicers before but this is adjustable. So either you can do big ones for eating or thin ones for apple-pieing. So you go ahead.

And what do you do? You just put it over like this?

Just put it down and push hard. And what's great about it is when you make…


Now wasn't that fun? See the whole point of a gadget is not just be useful but to have fun. And that's fun.

And does that will save you about fifteen minutes?

It’s easily.

Let’s say you’re making a pie and you need to do six seven or eight, boo! You got them all sliced, and then you just take them out, you know, and they are delicious.
All right, what is Sam playing with?

I love this thing.

He can do the demo Sam.

I love this thing because…

Show Robin, How to do this.

Ok take a look. What is this called? Stem something. Ok, just drop it, drop it on top of the strawberry like that.

Go wind.

Turn it.

Be aggressive.

Look at that.

See, It's gotta be fun.

And I used to stand there with a paring knife And you have to lift a thing and cut around the thing. I did it like ten times of time.

With a paring knife you lose half of the strawberry but I think one of the reasons people don't eat more fruit because it takes time to prepare and slice that we've already seen how to do with apple faster.  But here this is another gadget. First of all I'm gonna point out that it can light flat it's multipurpose slicer but then you open it up like this. When you put it in your drawer it will fit. And then what you do, you just put it in here and there you go. And then you see, isn't that wonderful. And you can use it for mushroom, you can use for kiwi again kiwi need a little bit more muscle, you can use it for eggs, anything you like a cooked beet. It just has to fit in here but my daughter and I have been using this like crazy to make fruit salad. And suddenly just…

Never doubt you never have to worry about her.

No, and the thing is it’s not sharp. You can put your fingers across there, you don't want to hurt yourself when you are slicing something. It’s great.

So again all of gadgets are under $20.
$20,Ok. Here we have cheese slicer here. Do you want to try this one?


Let me just say it's adjustable you can do three different fitnesses here. You can buy cheese slices but it costs money.

It does.

And you know, and it gets stale. Just go down aggressively like that.

Oh, that aggressively.

Yes, aggressively.

You’re aggressive Sam!

Very nice on the slight

That's fine. And you can come up. And it, plus, you know, it fits easily into drawer. I wouldn’t give you a gadget that took up a lot of room. Because that’s stupid.

Not Sara, not you.
Ok, Here we have this is a cake lifter. If you're making a cake or if you’re getting a board cake, it is very hard to move. So now you have this tool. Plus of which I use this when I chop onions and I have a whole bunch on the board I need to move them to the pan, plus this will fit easily into a drawer, just slice in there you can put it in sideways, it’s a huge cake lifter.

It’s huge.

We got it we gotta save this because I would use this more than anything else that’s the big corn slicer thing.
Ok so does it mean we’re going away or you’re just happy we’re doing it. Ok this is called corn zipper, OK, there we go. And it’s just, it’s easy, and you know, fun. 
Everyday in the summer I grow corn and I have to cut it off with a knife. This is gonna be better.
This is just a great way to do it, yes.
All of your tips are on ABCnews.com, plus, you answered a lot of questions from cooking in the tip.
Yeah, so all those sort of issues I’m there for you.
Ask Sara is that what they're calling you?


Ask Sara at our website http://www.hxen.net