闻道有先后,术业有专攻。一个小小的煎锅里,也能炒的出千百个花样儿来。怎么样,没试过吧?下面就跟着Bianca Henry,学学如何用煎锅炒各种你连听都没听过的菜吧!
Hi , I'm Bianca Henry, today show food stylist.Welcome to today's cooking school. Today we gonna show you a series of pan techniques. You probably heard about these terms before, saute,sear,pan fry,deep fry. Maybe they're all a little bit alike. No, they're not, they're some little differences between them. We gonna show your what those are right now.
For any kind of oil cooking, such as saute and sear. You wanna start with preheated oil in the hot pan. We got a little bit ofoil in there and that wavy surface would tell you it's ready to go. We're adding some sliced onions and peppers, gonna keep the food moving. And this is called saute.The food is got cooked quickly thoroughly without getting much shape, that'swhat you wanna do for that.

And now alternately, searing involves food in the pan that does not get stirred does not get moved around we're sau, we're sauteing a little a few little scallops. Once again the pan is hot, the oil is wavy. We gonna add our scallops and let them stick in one place undisturbed for about two or three minutes while the underside got nice and crispy coating. And lookat the scallops in that plate. That's what we are aiming for, right there.And I promise you. You leave the food alone and these gonna look like that.
Now moving down the line. We gonna be doing some pan frying here. You can see there is a lot more oil in this pan. You got about half inch oil in it. We gonna be sort of half frying our food. Forth on one side then on the other, we're using croquettes that have a crumb coating.Whenyou're pan frying food such as fried chicken, croquettes, anything of that nature, you want to have a little bit of crumb coating. Whether it's bread crumb,crunch cereal such as cornflakes and bread crispies. And you wanna gently lower it into the oil. And you get that immediate sizzle. Which is what you want.Once again let it stick let it's underside get crispy, and inside get cooked,we turn them over and let them cook for another two or three minutes on the other side. And there we have our chicken croquettes. Completely finished ready to eat.
All right moving on to deep frying. Everybody knows what the deep frying is. You had doughnuts you had french fries.Those are deep fried foods. We gonna be doing vegetable tempura. The main thing about deep frying is you need a thermometer. You don't need it for the others but you do need it for deep frying. We got a lot oil in this pan. Three inches or more.You wanna food float freely in the oil . And you need control the temperature of the oil so the food does not get soggy. We got it between 340 and 360. That's about constant temperature you want to keep it in. Gonna dip the food and a little tempura batter. Very gently lower it into the oil. You gonna see the oil starts to sizzle which is a good sign. The food would float to the bottom and quickly to the top. And once it got golden brown. You're ready to take it out.
So there you go, four pan techniques. You got these pans at home, but you probably don't have these techniques don't even know it. Thanks for watching cooking school I'm Bianca Henry.
Scallop 扇贝
Chicken croquettes 鸡肉丸
Vegetable tempura天麸罗
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