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Hi, I am Bill O’Reilly. Thanks for watching us tonight.

The inside story of the attempted terror bombing in Times Square that is the subject of this evening’s talking points memo, was all very dramatic.

An Emirate's airliner about to take off from New York’s JFK airport last night called back from the tarmac and three men removed from the plane by federal officials. One of those men, 30-year-old Faisal Shahzad has been arrested in connection with the attempted bombing in Times Square over the weekend. Shahzad was trying to flee to Dubai. He is an American citizen, but recently spent five months in Pakistan; he told interrogators he was training to make bombs. The Justice Department has Shahzad right now, obviously trying to find out exactly who is involved with the terror plot. The other two men removed from the plane have been released.

Now at this point, there are many questions surrounding the case but it’s similar to the Christmas bomber in Detroit, that is a rather clumsy attempt to kill Americans, but a bomb is a bomb. And there’s already controversy about who should be questioning Shahzad. Is it legal? We will look into in a few moments.

The reason the New York City police and federal authorities were able to catch the guy so quickly is partly because of surveillance cameras all over Times Squares. Somebody called the ACLU and pointed that out. Also Shahzad was on the no-fly list and the Feds acted quickly after he was flagged. So security tracking and electronic surveillance were the keys to apprehending this accused terrorist and both of these methods are largely opposed by the left. Talking points are not big on politicizing terrorism, but these points need to be made.

At a surveying aspect to this case is that a terror group in Pakistan apparently made a tape, discussing upcoming attacks on America before the Times Square incident. We will debrief former CIA agent Michael Scheuer on that upcoming.

As for the suspect Shahzad, the US attorney in Manhattan’s handling the prosecution; the FBI’s been questioning him. And the politicians are grandstanding.

“I want to make clear that we will not tolerate any bias or backlash against Pakistani or Muslim New Yorkers. All of us live in the city, and among any group, there is always a few bad apples.”

Well, maybe somebody should remind the mayor that Muslim fanatics have been threatening New York City and the entire country for almost twenty years. So a lot apples out there sir.

Finally, President Obama avoided again mentioning Islam or the terror war in his statements on the case. Now we understand the President doesn’t want to inflame the Muslim world, we understand that. But the issue should be dealt with straight up. Muslim jihadists want to kill us. Once again, we were lucky in Times Square.