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A new voice joins the Supreme Court. Elana Kagan, the third woman currently on the court, a woman with the reputation for holding her own in any room. And our Jonathan Karl is right here to tell us about the big vote right over there on Capitol Hill. I want to know what happens when a new justice dons the robe for the first time, Jon.

Well, it's a big day here, I mean, in all of American history. The Senate has confirmed only 112 justices and even if you include retired Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, only 4 of them have been women.

The tally is 63-37.

Elana Kagan was easily confirmed in a vote that the president hailed as historic.

"For nearly 2 centuries, there wasn't a single woman on our nation's highest court."

Kagan faced last-minute attacks from Republicans who branded her a Liberal activist with absolutely no judicial experience.

"Her lack of judicial experience, striking."

"Is not suited."

"Does not have the gifts."

"She is unlikely to exercise judicial restraint."

It was highly partisan. All but 5 Republicans voted No. All but 1 Democrat voted Yes. With Kagan, the court will now have for the first time 3 women serving at once, 1/3 of the justices. It's a huge sea change for an institution that has been dominated by men. As recently as last year, there was just 1 woman on the court.

"Now there I am, all alone and it doesn't look right. It's lonely for me. There,this life experience that a woman has simply because she has grown up inside a woman's body."

Ronald Reagan nominated Sandra Day O'Connor is the first woman in 1981.But it wasn't until 12 years later that the court installed a woman's restroom near the room where they deliberate.

"For years, they would just have a man's bathroom back there. It just goes to show what a male dominated place the Supreme Court had been for many years."

Kagan will of course be the most junior justice and the others will make sure she knows it. By tradition, the junior justice must take notes when the 9 of them deliberate.And Diana, if somebody knocks on the door, it is her, the most junior justice, that has to go up to answer the door, to bring in papers ,and messager or even coffee.

Pretty mild form of hazing, though. Tell me about the vote itself. Any surprises who voted for and against?

There was one surprise, Scott Brown, I mean, this is the liberal or moderate Republican from Massachusetts introduced her at the confirmation hearings, defended her leadership of Harvard Law School, but in the end he voted no.

So he voted with the Republicans.

He voted with the rest of Republicans ,on up to 5 of them against her nomination.

OK, thanks, Jon, good to be here with you tonight.