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从本月开始,手机实名制开始实施.购买手机号码的用户需出示身份证登记注册. 但手机实名制真的能有效地遏制垃圾短信的泛滥吗?

Customers who want to purchase new mobile phone numbers must now provide their ID cards at cell phone stores in Beijing and across the nation.

One store representative who works in the capital says the real-name registration system can verify the buyer's true identity.

"We have a network that is connected to the Public Security Bureau, so the system can tell us it if the ID card is counterfeit or not."

Crime involving the fraudulent use of mobile phones has gotten out of hand in China in recent years. Guangdong's Provincial Public Security Department said it had cracked more than 450 phone-based fraud cases, caught 320 suspects, and took possession of stolen money totaling 2.45 million yuan as of the end of April 2009.

Zeng Jianqiu, a professor from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications says the real-name registration system for mobile phone buyers will help solve the problem of cell phone fraud.

"There are two advantages to enforcing the real-name registration policy. First, it can protect consumers' rights and curb mobile phone fraud. It can also support some future functions. For example, customers will be able to pay for services using their mobile phones. Real-name registration is the basis for doing this."

Despite the new regulation, SIM cards continue to be sold at newspaper kiosks and small grocery stores where it is quite difficult to monitor real-name registrations.

And some of those who purchase new mobile phones or register their names and ID numbers for their existing ones say they are worried about their privacy.

"The key thing is whether someone will sell our information."

"The leaking of citizen's personal information may be the most serious problem with real-name registrations."

"I think the telecommunication vendors and public security departments should work together to monitor the entire market."

Thirty-four percent of six-thousand respondents in an online poll on the real-name registration regulation said they are concerned that their personal information will be leaked to other parties.

Beijing's Chaoyang District Court is currently hearing a case against several private detectives who blackmailed people with private information they bought from employees at telecom companies.

Doubts about the new regulation are also being discussed online. One netizen said, "You ask me for my real name, but what can I get from you?"

Zeng Jianqiu says the real-name registration system itself can't guarantee citizen's security one-hundred percent.

"The real-name registration is not a panacea for all diseases. Consumers, of course, will worry that their privacy will be breached. This is exactly the core issue the government needs to deal with."

Real-name registration requirements for mobile phone users have been implemented in several countries, including the United States, Germany, Switzerland, Japan and Singapore. Correlative market reports from these countries indicate that the real-name systems have partiallyhelped reduced mobile phone fraud.

For CRI, I'm Liu Min.