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This late report today on the arrest of two men who flew out of Chicago on the United Airline's flight. Dutch police stopped them, charging them with preparing a terrorist attack. Our chief investigative correspondent Brian Ross has been working on the story all afternoon. Tell us about it.

Well Diane, there may be a perfectly innocent explanation for what happened, but lots of concerns have made federal law enforcement officials believe this may have been a dry run, a test of American security. In custody tonight, in the Netherlands, are two men, both natives of Yemen who lived in the US legally, Ahmed Mohamed al Soofi, Hezam al Murisi, they started their flights in Birmingham and Memphis yesterday, flew to Chicago O'Hare, and then changed planes right at O'Hare but sent their bags on another separate flight. They flew to Netherlands, but their bags were going on to Dubai. And with what was in the bags that concerned law enforcement authorities. The security people in Birmingham realized that Al Soofi had 7,000 dollars in cash, bulky clothing. But in addition in the bags, cell phones are taped to a Pepto-Bismol bottle, a kind of mark explosive, so what the FBI saying tonight, three other cell phones taped together, watches taped together, box cutters and three large knives, all in the checked baggage.

A lot of things went wrong here, at least getting those bags on without the passengers on. But tell me once again, they are from Yemen, but they were in this country legally?

One was living legally in Detroit, and the other somewhere else in the US. They were, they are here under legal positions, but they were going back apparently to Yemen with their final destinations. It's not clear why they shipped all these things in the bags. But it raised serious concerns especially with the approach of the September 11th Anniversary.

They may have been a kind of advance team coming here to try the systems.

That is a concern.

All right. Thank you, Brian Ross.