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More pictures of the mysterious man destined to take the reins of North Korea. State TV broadcasted these pictures of leader Kim Jong-il and heir apparent Kim Jong-un touring a newly built state theatre and artists' new flats. The youngest son of the North Korean leader also attended training drills by the country's army. This all comes after Kim Jong-un was named vice chairman of the Workers' Party's powerful Central Military Commission. All signs point to the son, thought to be in his late twenties taking over after his father belief analyst.

Sixty-eight-year-old Kim Jong-il is thought to be in poor health after suffering a stroke in 2008. The new pictures also emerge that Chinese delegation visits Pyongyang. They're there on what is described by Chinese state news as a goodwill visit. The delegation will attend the sixty-fifth anniversary of the founding of the Workers Party of Korea. The visit also comes at a key time. North Korea will need the support of China, its only real ally for any furture leadership changes.