cnn ANCHOR: The iconic British brand MG has been reborn in the Far East. Cars bearing the classic badge are now rolling off Chinese assembly lines. John Vause takes the driving seat.
JOHN VAUSE: This is the rebirth of a British classic, but now the famous MG brand is owned by the Chinese, assembled by Chinese workers in a factory in the Chinese city of Nanjing. Even so the company's general manager, Mr. Zhang told me "The MG cars we make here have a deep sense of British culture and style." MG Rover has had a troubled past. After peaking in popularity during the 60' the car maker was hit by industrial strife, poor sales and eventually bankruptcy two years ago. That's when Nanjing automobiles stepped in by what was left for one hundred million U.S. dollars. The factories in Britain were taken apart, shipped piece by piece to China and with them went 6,000 British jobs.

BRITISH MAN: We're finished, we're only getting paid till Monday.
JOHN VAUSE: Here about 2,000 Chinese workers earn little more than ten U.S. dollars a day.
JASPER BECKER: They've simply acquired the brand and technology, um directly from, uh from the UK, and it's now effectively going to become a Chinese brand which China will export, uh to the rest of the world.
JOHN VAUSE: Though the new owners have promised to preserve the English character of MG, many of the car's loyal fans are asking "Can a British icon still be British while at the same time made in China?"
RICHARD MONK(MG CAR OWNER'S CLUB): Ah I think some customers would be weary of car that perhaps came direct from China, um, they may consider it not to be an MG.
JOHN VAUSE: The cars made here will be for China's booming domestic market and also for Europe. The first exports could be shipping out as early as August. The manufacturers say ultimately as many as two hundred thousand MGs could roll off these production lines each year. And now they are planning to open another factory in United States where they are hoping to do what no Chinese car maker has ever done before, crack the American market or be it with a British brand. John Vause, cnn, Nanjing.
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