Chongqing, a city of awesome size and breath-taking development, a city literally transforming the lives of millions of ordinary Chinese. Zhou Xunshu, once a poor village boy has found his small fortune on the golf course.
Chongqing is a developing city and the golf industry was about to grow, he says, so this was the kind of city to settle in. I can build a career here.
Go west, that was the message from China’s leaders ten years ago. Zhou and millions of others heard the call, around 200,000 people do the same every year. It has swelled the city's size. Now with a great population of around 33 million people, it is the biggest metropolis on earth, they call it Chicago on the Yangtze. Everywhere there is new construction. The boats keep docking.

For Chongqing,
you know, last year the growth in GDP is 14.9. 14.9?
The rest of the world we are looking at is ~~
Yes, excatly.
Tang Ka Wah is the man behind one of Chongqing's glamour developments. He's taking in an old factory area and turned it into a residential commercial and entertainment hub. He did the same thing when Shanghai had its face-lifted a decade ago. He keeps the city's all traditions, all the construction in keeping with the look of the past, even the bricks have been hand-made to look authentic. But other parts of the construction almost definitely of the future. The centerpiece of Chongqing Tiandi, a skyscraper, more than 100 stories high. And night club and bar features live sharks. In Chongqing money is no longer an object.
People become rich, so their spending power etc is becoming higher and higher. That's why especially for the second-tier cities, now the growth rate is so fast.
And to give riches glories.
Yes, that's right.
But giving rich has its drawbacks. Pollution is high. Chongqing is called the Foggy City. More often, it is just smoke. The municipal government has embarked on tree-planting to breed new life into the city. It's also tackling crime, cracking down on organized gangs. Nothing should get into the way of making money and real estate it's just one gateway to riches. The pop-up buildings, shopping malls and the right investment promises big returns.
Would you double your money or more in the next three to four years?
Well, next three, four, five year making a double is, well, very achievable, I would say.
Money has certainly transformed Zhou Xunshu's live from working as a security guard on a golf course, he's now a golf pro. He met his wife when she worked as his caddie. He owns his own home, and he's made a better future for his son.
My goal is not just for me. It's for my wife and son, he says. I want him to get a better education, study abroad if he wants.
There are riches to be made in the city that has enjoyed double-digit growth for some years. Last year the economy surged by more than 14%. That's it. There it's still much to do. The average income here is just over $3000 a year.
For every Zhou Xunshu making it, life on the streets can be tough for others. Daily fight for this year of the new boomed town.
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