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What a big week for Barbara Walter! Not one but two prime time premieres Thursday night with Barbara talking to the top headline makers of the 2010 and she is here now to give us a first look. Good morning, Barbara.

Good morning. Well, Yes, I do have two from 9 to 10, a wonderful interview with Oprah, probably the most personal interview I've seen or do, or done with her. She talks to a lot of people, but she doesn't usually talk about herself. 10 to 11 is Ten Most Fascinating people; we'll talk about that tomorrow. But, today, Oprah, she is leaving her program most people know after 25 years, because in January, just a couple of weeks away, she starts her new network, doesn’t leave until the spring, but the new chapter begins next week. So we sat down with her, and as I said I've never seen her quite as revealing throughout the interview. We asked what I thought was, you know, sort of simple question about her relationship with her best friend Gayle King. And this was her answer, very personal.

A lot of women have close friends; very few have friends as close as yours. Describe that friendship to me.

Whoop, OK. She is the mother I never had. She is the sister everybody would want. She is the friend that everybody deserves. I don't know a better person. I don't know a better person.

Why is it making you cry?

Shoot, wasn’t gonna cry here. It's making me cry because I'm thinking about how much, I probably have never told her that. Tissue, please, I now need

tissue, I’ve never told her that.

So when those to me dump rumors come up that you are gay, what do you say?

Well, I have said, we are not gay, enough times. I'm not lesbian. I'm not even kind of lesbian. And the reason why it irritates me is because it means that somebody must think I'm lying. That's number one. Number two: why would you want to hide it? That is not the way I run my life.

You see everything that Oprah with the tears and the still.

The whole interview is… I thought it was going to be, you know, and then I interviewed, and then I, it was not. It was her, she, you know, want to say all the things that she’s kept in for years, that's why that’s why it's an hour.

But what about the relationship with Stedman Graham, not seeing (them) together…

Wow, you see that interested me too, because you know, I thought that he was out of the picture. And not at all, I mean, they're together all the time, they live together, did you know that?

I did not know that.

Ok, did not. She talks about her relationship with him and the difference in the two, you know, the friendship and the other relationship. So, as I said, there was so much about this and her. Really life. And also why she is leaving after 25 years?

That's what I was gonna ask you, 25 years, why did she choose this moment?

I think because she is exhausted. I know that's, you know.

She’s starting a new network.

Exactly, so you know, I don't want to tell you everything. But I will tell you how the new network started, whose idea it was. And she is scared to death about it. And yet she’s gotta go…

Oprah Winfrey scared to death.

Oprah Winfrey scared to death.

Wow, you’ve given us a lot to look forward to, Barbara. The Barbara Walter Special--Oprah at the Next Chapter that is aired at tomorrow night at 9/8 central, followed by the 10 Most Fascinating People of 2010, which Barbara’s gonna tell us about it tomorrow. Great, isn't it?

I don't wanna do 2 hours again, ever. It was great, but I never want to do it again.

But we need you to give us the two hours. And look forward to see you tomorrow.

Thank you, Joe.