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Everyone wants to let themselves go a little during the holiday season. And most Americans do end up gaining weight during the five-week period between Thanking Giving and New Year's Eve. Over a half will gain two pounds, ten percent gain five pounds or more. And that wouldn't be so bad except most people don’t manage to lose the weight they gain. So our friend Dr. Mehmet Oz of The Dr. OZ Show is here with some tricks to keep off those extra pounds in the first place. We’re just talking before we come on air. The thing that happens is you gain that weight during the holiday. Don't take it off. And that's most of the weight gain from most people during their lifetime.

It's remarkable. You not put on weight in June when it’s beach time. Everyone knows they have to take care of themselves then, but the weight gain you get over the holidays, there's plenty of reasons for which we should talk about the strategies to cope with. But that weight stays to you the whole year round. You struggle in January and February to lose the weight, but by time March comes along, you now have settled into a new plateau, which is let's say four pounds, heavier than used to be. And every year forward.

That's right. OK. So let's figure out how to stop it in the first place. Er, what's your first tip?

You know, you got temptations everywhere. You rock there, and hot blood pursuit of brownie and you fall prey to the reality that you can’t hold yourself back. So you gotta write it down. Here's why it’s so important, George, you need to slap down periodically. Remind yourself exactly what you're doing to your body. Plus, every time you think about eating that food, that little brownie, that little chocolate chip, gotta remind yourself that you have to write it down. And by the way, when you’re writing stuff down, write down your weight, a couple times a week, at least.

And you're not talking just the meals. You mean every time for you sitting there baking, you take a little piece of something. You count everything.

And that's why you fall down over the holidays. Diet on your own come streaming off the rails because you're not aware exactly how many calories are in that little bite. Just hassle of writing down the fact that you had that one little morsel of food, that tie a little weight for or pull your back a little bit. And the weight gain occurs so quickly that you can actually measure. So weighing yourself a couple of times a week actually provides you a little bit of reminder with a pretty sharp jab that you gotta get back on track again. Make that U-turn.

But that's so hard to do it at the big parties. You know, the passing-around appetizers, you got the big buffet, you got dessert too, and you got main courses. And that's where most people end up losing it.

Yeah, they go park themselves at the buffet table, eat themselves oblivion. That’s it. You need a pre-party snack. Please, this is to take nothing away the same. Remembers this. I don’t know if you ever walked into a holiday party with a cheese stick, I'm sure a couple here of these have 50 to 100 calories, I get a handful of nuts, apple, you know, 70% coco chocolate. Doesn’t have to be necessarily purely healthy, but something that is a little bit more nutrient rich for you. Because you brain is not looking for calories. It’s measuring nutrients. If you got 100 calories in your body before you walk into the party, you're not gonna be raveling or ravaging through the food looking for stuff because you're so hungry.

And it works especially well if it’s protein, or not necessarily?

Well, actually any nutrient will do it for you. Compounds, carbohydrates, fine protein happens to be particularly effective. Fats will get you there too. That's why nuts work. But again, it's 100 calories. Takes the edge off, so your abtulion (这儿听发音是这样,但没这个词啊```)brain doesn’t dominate the party.

You also said some cannery and tutor device home-made for dessert isn't always better.

This blew me away, I never thought about it. But so true. What happens when you bake products, you eat half of it, right? You make, cake a little cut of the food. You know what, I didn't cut that straight. I may cut a little more off myself. Soon you’ll be eating through half the pie.  So go to a baker’s store, buy the product. Giving an example here, simple and inexpensive. You know what, you are not gonna cut into the pie you brought at the party, ur, for the party. You take it over there. It's wrapped, it's perfect and it's good for you and you are not gonna again, not you know, take any little bits and put into your mouth while you’re making the pie yourself.

People also tend to drink a little more during those holiday parties. That can really add it up, we have a glass of eggnog over here. Two glasses of eggnog. That's a meal.

It's a meal. There is 450 calories per glass of eggnog. Some of those fancy holiday drinks are 1000 calories by themselves. Here's my secret little recipe for you. A little bit of club soda, carry it around with you. What you wanna do is mix it with your wine, make a wine spritzer. In fact, any hard alcohol you have with a little bit of ice is less than 100 calories a drink, all you drinks sort of be in that range of 100 calories per serving and remember this: always alternate a hard drink, or any drink, you have alcohol with water. Club soda works well as well. Why? Prevent you from getting a little intoxicated, cuts down the calorie intake you have at the same time. And you don't get this inhibited. You don't make poor decisions.

That's good, a very good point as well. But everybody’s gonna overindulge at some point. There are always to make up for.

Of course, and instead of penalizing and torturing yourself, just do the smart thing. Get 20 minutes more activity, know you're gonna have the plan to be ahead of it and don't give up you can make it work.

Ok. You're gonna have a lot more on your show later today about all this.

Well, I’m actually taking Santa Claus into the truth tube. Here we are. I want a measure. Even Santa who does so much good for us should not be put on that extra belly fat, so I wrestled them into the studio. And so we got a big plan. We're going to talk all the great things, including by the way, the 12 steps of Christmas; the first one being go caroling, takes…

Ok, Dr. Oz thanks very much.