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I like opportunities which bring growth and it's all about being able to grow. Why, what has happened with our business in the midst of this crisis since two years is that we kept on investing. We kept on investing in our brands, in our infrastructure, in our distribution, in our logistics and in innovation down through our supply chain and that's the reason why we've been able to through the crisis as we are beginning to exit this crisis even through 2010, beginning to actually enhance our growth.

And yet you do have to make decisions because capital is precious. Where you are going to deploy the most fair part and it makes sense, deploy it in emerging markets. If you've got A or B and B is making more than A, it goes to B.

I'll tell you what, Richard, last year, you know, we announced a lot of investment programs: 3 billion dollars in China over a period of 3 years or so, 5 billion in Mexico over 5 years and we made this public. But also there is another reality out there. Last year, in 2010, when it was all down, we invested more than 3 billion dollars in the United States in our business and invariably at the end, that creates employment, that creates jobs, and that creates growth.

So, when you go to the White House and you see the president, he might be with a Chinese leader or he might be at some other industrialists' get-together. The shift that is taking place in the US at the moment in towards an industrial policy again, is that something you welcome?

Very much. We welcome that because at the end of the day, business, government, government can't do it alone. Business and government have to collaborate so that we can reduce the jobless rate down. We can bring unemployment down. We can start increasing a much more inclusive society.

But I suppose what I'm saying is, you and I are old enough to remember the days when governments had industrial policies that was upon, that seems to be that President Obama is once again putting forward an industrial... whether or not it passes congress, it doesn't matter, but an industrial policy is now being formulated.

I think it's a policy that's going to create a more competitive environment for US corporations. It is going to be better for innovation and it is much more in line with the demographics of the United States, which is the best demographics in the western world. It's a young population; it's a diverse population that leads to better ideas, better innovation across the board.