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1. An estimated one million newborns die each year of birth asphyxia, the failure to start or sustain breathing in the first moments after delivery.

die of死于(疾病、过度悲伤等)
例句:People are dying of cancer more and more often.

2. To bring those numbers down, medical educators at the American Academy of Pediatrics designed a training program they call Helping Babies Breathe.

bring down 降低
例句:He has agreed to bring down the cost of several basic commodities.

3. Jeffrey Perlman, professor of pediatrics at Weill-Cornell Medical College in New York, says the protocol, carried out during the first minute of life, can reduce the newborn mortality rate by 50 percent.

mortality rate死亡率
例句:Wars and natural disasters are both the reasons for the mortality rate to skyrocket.

4. And we know that if you can effectively breathe for the baby, and it doesn’t take too many assisted breaths, they will start breathing on their own.

on one's own靠自己的力量, 独自地
例句:He studied these subjects on his own.

5. Researchers conducting a 2009 pilot project with Helping Babies Breathe in Tanzania taught nurse-midwives, doctors and other medical personnel what immediate steps they should take if a baby is born not breathing, including how to use bulb suction and bag-mask ventilation devices.

take step采取措施
例句:He says he will take step to tighten up the administration

6. It’s beautiful to actually see the nurse midwives and others taking possession and understanding why it’s so important to initiate the breathing within the Golden Minute.

take possession成为...的所有者,占有,拥有
例句:We can't take possession of the house until all the papers have been signed. 