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1. Students learn more, attend class at higher rates and are more engaged in their education when teachers take a more interactive approach in the classroom, according to a new study.

be engaged in忙于,从事于
例句:They are engaged in interior trade.

2. Both classes were held in a theater-style room with fixed seats.

fixed seats 固定座位
例句:The 412 fixed seats were occupied; 

3. Instead, students were divided into groups of two or three to discuss and answer a series of questions, projected on a large screen.

be divided into被分成
例句:This is divided into two parts.

4. “There was a great deal of careful data collected showing how identical the two sections, these two large sections of the class were beforehand," Wieman says.

a great deal of 大量的
例句:A motorcar costs a great deal of money.

5. "And this focused very much on looking at exactly what could be learned with the different methods from the classroom experience, the time when you have the maximum student-instructor - or face to face - interaction time.”

face to face 面对面
例句:I sat face to face with her.

6. “As an instructor you really have to be on your toes,” he says.

on one's toes警觉的; 准备行动的
例句:A policeman has to keep on his toes all the time he's on duty.

7. Their brains are turned on.

turn on打开
例句:Please turn the light on for me; it's getting dark.
天要黑了, 请把灯给我打开。

8. Co-author Carl Wieman, on leave from his post as director of Science Education Initiatives at the University of British Columbia and the University of Colorado, says teaching methods need to change.

on leave休假
例句:He is on leave now.

9. “That’s what this study shows is that there’s a lot better way to do things and faculty ought to be switching over.”

ought to应当,应该
例句:She ought to slim.
switch over变换, 转换
例句:The chairman decided to switch the factory over to bicycle production.

10. He’s hoping that many more colleges take up the initiative that can energize teaching and learning.

take up接受
例句:I'd like to take up your offer of a ride into town.
我愿接受你的邀请, 搭你的车进城。