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1. Central Bank board member Lorenzo Bini Smaghi tells the Financial Times that Greece could get another $28 billion from eurozone countries.

eurozone countries 欧元区国家

2. Protesters banged pots and pans - and accused the Greek government of stealing worker's money.

accuse of指责, 控告
例句:We accused him of taking bribes.

3. "We are paying for the mistakes of past governments and generations and it's not our fault," said a woman.

pay for 因…受罚〔痛苦〕; 为…付出代价
例句:They made him pay for his offence by giving him the sack.
他们解雇了他, 从而使他因自己的过错而受到了惩罚。

4. But with government debt equivalent to about 150 percent of its yearly economic output, Greece remains in danger of defaulting on its commitments - despite a multi billion dollar rescue package from the EU and the International Monetary Fund.

equivalent to等于;折合
例句:. A dime is equivalent to ten pennies.
in danger of在危险中, 有…的危险
例句:You are in danger of catching cold.

5. "Whether there is consensus or not, we will take our decisions, we will move forward with constructively implementing a program which is difficult and painful, but is a safe and sure road to exiting the debt crisis," said Papandreou.

whether… or not 是否
例句:I do not care whether it rains or not.
move forward 前进
例句:We move forward promptly with a major effort to help these countries defend themselves. 

6. Those include the possibility of additional aid and new austerity measures, such as the sale of government property.

such as像, 例如
例句:We dislike people such as him.