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保护珍贵森林 马达加斯加在行动



1. The head of forests at the ministry of environment, Julien Rakotoarisoa, says the 30-day mission to crack down on illegal logging in northeast Madagascar is aimed at weakening a large trafficking network.

crack down on打击, 制裁, 镇压
例句:After the third car accident, the police began to crack down on speeding. 
be aimed at以…为目的
例句:The visit was aimed at expanding the relations between the two countries.

2. Judicial proceedings in the town of Antalaha were marked by protests on the streets and outside the courtroom, with the refusal for bail leading to calls for the district judge to be fired.

lead to导致, 引起
例句:In given conditions, a bad thing can lead to good results.
在一定条件下, 一件坏事可以导致好的结果。

3. Local newspapers say protests have been orchestrated by a network, which includes major transport companies, that is lobbying for the suspects, who are charged with illegal transport of logs.

lobby for疏通, 游说…
例句:They are lobbying for a reduction in defence spending.
be charged with被控告
例句:He is charged with three serious offences.

4. Razakamanarina thinks the recent government crackdown is partly due to a recent annual statement from the alliance, warning the World Bank to support Madagascar’s national parks and biodiversity only if the government shows a willingness to allow the country's natural resources to be protected rather than plundered.

due to由于,因为
例句:Her absence is due to illness.
natural resources自然资源
rather than而不是
例句:You should thank him rather than me .

5. Razakamanarina is positive about the current efforts by the government.

be positive about对…肯定, 对…有把握
例句:I am afraid I can not be positive about the time when the car exploded.

6. But he thinks that local communities and civil society groups must be given incentives and be properly equipped to be able to tackle such organized crime networks or the plunder of the forests will continue.

be able to能,会
例句:Most children are able to walk before they are able to talk.