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1. Richard works for an American automaker which transferred the couple and their three children from Miami to Shanghai almost three years ago.

transfer to转移; 迁移
例句:The company has transferred to an eastern location.

2. A trip to the grocery store can still bring surprises.

grocery store小卖部
例句:He opened a grocery store last month.

3. "So they stay nice and fresh because people like to eat them," his mother answers, while also pointing out bagged turtles which are used for turtle soup.

point out 指出
例句:When the mistake was pointed out to him, he hastened to correct it.
当有人向他指出错误时, 他赶紧纠正。
be used for 用来做…
例句:Tallow can be used for making soap .

4. Hanson and his sisters are both grossed out and fascinated by the turtles, hairy crabs, snakes, eels and jellyfish writhing nearby.

gross out冒犯,触怒,侮辱;使作呕
例句:You are going to gross out people if you continue talking like that.

5. At least the Chois knew what to expect. Richard’s company hired a consulting firm to prepare them for the cultural shift.

prepare for (使)为…作准备
例句:We should prepare well for the negotiations.
cultural shift文化转型

6. “There was a very large section on the corporate culture and how to behave in the workplace,” says Richard, who had to take a survey to see how well his work style would mesh with the Chinese one.

mesh with 一致;适合;符合
例句:This doesn't mesh with the idea that I was given of the work in this office.

7. "And if you think that international assignments can be in excess of a million dollars for companies, they are going to need to mitigate that opportunity for failure.”

in excess of 多于, 超出
例句:He advised his son never to spend in excess of his income.

8. It’s often the employee’s spouse - usually a wife - who has to deal with day-to-day problems. Some consulting firms devote themselves entirely to supporting the spouse.

deal with应付, 处理; 对待
例句:He must deal with many difficulties.

9. But you also, sometimes like, ‘I don’t really want to hear about everything right here anymore, either.’

hear about得悉, 听说
例句:You always hear about planes being delayed because of technical faults.

10. Richard says they’ve pretty much adjusted to life there, especially now that he's stopped worrying about paying $8 for a bag of tortilla chips - something that costs about $3 in the United States.

adjust to调整, 调节
例句:It is difficult to adjust one's habits to someone else.