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1.  It needs a multi-billion-dollar loan from its euro neighbors in order to avoid defaulting on that debt.

in order to为了…
例句:We learn a language in order to communicate. 

2. France and Germany had been at odds over whether private holders of Greek bonds should be involved in a Greek rescue package.

at odds争执,不一致
例句:This action is greatly at odds with his previous attitude. 
be involved in卷入,陷入
例句:He is involved in the scandal.

3. Analysts say this is a softening of Germany's position, which they say had been leaning towards forcing losses on private creditors.

lean towards倾向于…
例句:Young people today lean towards casual clothes.

4. President Sarkozy said Friday that France and Germany are committed to defending the euro.

be committed to献身于,致力于
例句:This development area is committed to creating a perfect investment environment.

5. It is a sign that European countries may be moving closer to a deal to help Greece out of its immediate financial straits.

close to离…近
例句:His house is close to mine.

6. But Mark Weisbrot, co-director of the U.S.-based research group the Center for Economic and Policy Research, says a bailout in its current form is not going to help Greece in the long run.

in the long run从长远来看, 终究
例句:In the long run prices are bound to rise.
从长远看, 物价肯定要涨。

7. "Greece needs to get out from under a big part of that debt, a big part," said Weisbrot.

get out (使)离开,(使)离去;(使)解脱
例句:When the fighting broke out, George thought it better to get out before it was too late, so he came back to England.

8. Because otherwise, if you have a settlement and there is just a restructuring that allows some payments to be made later and none of the principles to be reduced, for example, then you're just going to end up in the same situation a year or two down the road.

for example例如, 譬如
There are many sources of air pollution; exhaust fumes, for example.
空气污染有许多来源, 例如废气。
end up (以…)结束; 最终成为〔变得〕
例句:The hooligan ended up dead in a car accident.

9. Those measures are adding to social unrest in Greece and putting major political pressure on the leading Socialist party.

add to增加, 加强
例句:This lesson adds to the value of the book.

10. And on Wednesday, tens of thousands of people turned out in the streets to protest against tax hikes and spending cuts.

turn out出来,出去,出动
例句:Ten thousand people turned out to welcome the world champion.

11. Weisbrot says austerity is not the key to improving Greece's economic situation, and, in his opinion, Greek citizens are right to battle the policy.

in one’s opinion 在某人看来
例句:In my opinion, people shall not smoke in public place.