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1. Men who smoke cigarettes are more likely to die of prostate cancer, according to a new study.

be likely to可能; 倾向于; 很可能
例句:Many jobs are likely to be lost.
die of死于
例句:People are dying of cancer more and more often.
prostate cancer前列腺癌

2. We also looked at the amounts that current smokers were smoking, and we did see an increase in prostate cancer mortality if you smoked more cigarettes.

look at评判; 审视
例句:The difficulty can now be looked at in a different light.

3. Men who quit for at least 10 years had prostate-specific mortality risks and recurrence risks that were very similar to people who had never smoked

be similar to与…相似
例句:My opinions are similar to his.

4. Although the study did not look at why smokers are at a higher risk for prostate cancer, Kenfield says there are several possibilities, starting with the known carcinogens - cancer-causing chemicals - in cigarette smoke.

tart with以…开始
例句:He had nothing to start with

5. Hormones could also play a role.

play a role起作用, 扮演角色
例句:Woman used to play a passive role in a marriage.

6. Studies have found an association between current smoking and increased testosterone, which is known to stimulate prostate cancer growth.

be known to为…所熟知
例句:He is known to everyone in this university.
在这所大学里, 人人都知道他。

7. Kenfield says smokers were also more likely to have a more aggressive form of prostate cancer at the time of diagnosis.

at the time of在…的时候
例句:He was sane at the time of the murder.