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1. Non-stop food safety scandals in China have led to a chorus of shouts for change.

lead to导致, 引起
例句:In given conditions, a bad thing can lead to good results.
在一定条件下, 一件坏事可以导致好的结果。

2. A Fudan University postgraduate student has recently set up an online data base on China's food safety issues, the first one compiled by ordinary citizens.

set up建立,建造, 创立, 竖立
例句:Plenty of foreign firms have set up factories here.

3. Let's take a closer look with our reporter Liu Min.

take a look看一看
例句:I'll go over and take a look.

4. Milk filled with melamine which killed babies, seasoning mixed with toxic chemicals like Sudan Red, and oil extracted from waste being used in restaurants…food safety scandals in China seem to just keep coming.

fill with (使)充〔挤〕满
例句:The sky filled with stars.
extract from从…中提取
We can extract oil from shale.

5. Wu Heng, a Fudan University postgraduate student, together with volunteers, collected news reports about unsafe foods and posted them on their website for the public to consult.

together with和…一同, 连同…
例句:They, together with my father, have gone to Washington.

6. Chinese people seem to have gotten used to reading reports like these and gradually they have accepted them as commonplace.

get used to习惯于
例句:I get used to looking after myself.

7. The website is called "Zhi Chu Chuang Wai"or "Throw the bad food out of the window".

throw out 扔掉
例句:Jenny had to throw out all her old books.

8. The unsafe foods in the data bank are categorized according to the reasons why they are considered unsafe, such as out of expiry dates, tainted with illegal additives, made with poor-quality ingredients, manufactured by unlicensed producers, failing to meet hygiene requirements, poor packaging quality and so on.

according to根据, 按照
例句:Fill up the form according to the instructions.
fail to未能…
He failed to pass the examination through carelessness.
由于粗心, 他考试没及格。
and so on等等
She spends her day doing housework, watching television, reading, and so on.

9. At first Wu Heng was doing the job on his own, but later he discovered that is a mission impossible.

at first起初, 当初
例句:At first, he was against our arrangement, but I managed to argue him round.
起初, 他反对我们的安排, 但我设法使他改变了看法。

10. One high-school student had also applied to participate.

apply to向…申请〔要求〕
例句:We applied to the authorities for assistance.

11. Wu Heng said all of us will be eventually killed by these harmful foods unless everyone steps forward and speaks out.

speak out毫无保留地说出
I am going to speak out against the committee's decision.