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英国窃听丑闻扩大 报纸将停止出版



1. David Wooding, political editor at The News of the World, said, "Very said, very sad, it's going to be emotional for us all this weekend."

be going to要,会,将要
例句:We are going to Hawaii.

2. The phone-hacking allegations are nothing new. Two News of the World journalists were convicted in 2009. But the newspaper’s claim that they were isolated cases appears to be falling apart.

fall apart结果失败, 关系结束
例句:His promising career began to fall apart. 

3. Police say it appears that relatives of those killed in the 2005 London bombing victims, and the parents of dead soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan also are on the list of possible victims.

on the list of在…名单上
例句:It was one of the best-sellers on the list of the New York Times.

4. Coulson was arrested Friday over fresh allegations he authorized cash payments of around $160,000 to police in return for stories.

in return for作为…的报答
例句:Police offer leniency to criminals in return for information.

5. But the second chance didn't work out and he had to resign all over again.

work out 产生结果; 发展
例句:The plan worked out badly.
all over again (从头)再一次
例句:I'll have to write it all over again.

6. The decision to hire him was mine, and mine alone, and I take full responsibility for it.

take full responsibility负全责
例句:take full responsibility for breaking the window.

7. Critics say the fact that the investigation did not uncover their true extent shows either corruption or incompetence.

either or不是...就是..., ...或..., 要么...要么...
例句:Either your watches or mine is wrong.
不是你们的表不准, 就是我的表不准。

8. The big question that the Metropolitan Police now face is did they whitewash the Murdoch inquiry because they were in hock to Murdoch - or worse - still frightened of Murdoch, and if that’s proven, then that is a very worrying development.

in hock to在典当中,在坐牢,负债
例句:The company was heavily in hock to the banks

9. After 160 years, the final copy of The News of the World will roll off the presses in the early hours of Sunday morning.

roll off印出; 复印出
例句:A couple of dozen prints were rolled off in no time.