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1. Due to a rainstorm in Tengzhou on July the 10th, a city along the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed line, electricity to the line was shut down, causing the train to be delayed by two hours.

due to由于,因为
例句:Her absence is due to illness.
shut down完全关闭,倒闭,停止运转
例句:The factory was shut down for two months as a result of the strike.

2. The accidents were related to power outage and transformer problems of the train.

be related to与...有关, 和...有联系, 和...有亲戚关系
例句:The crime is related to drug abuse.

3. He participated in the feasibility studies for the High-speed railway project.

participate in分担; 参加
例句:The people are demanding a chance to participate more in government.

4. He says that the safety of passengers can be assured because the high-speed train can automatically detect malfunctions and slow down.

slow down (使)慢下来
例句:The machine slowed down and stopped.
机器逐渐减慢了转速, 终于停住了。

5. The technology involved means that malfunctions lead to a safe shut down.

lead to导致, 引起
例句:An ordinary cold can soon lead to a fever.

6. The sensors usually send the data back to the control center. But the communications between the control center and the staff on the train is not smooth, meaning the staff on board the train sometimes feels embarrassed when explaining to the passengers what has happened exactly.

on board在船〔火车, 飞机, 汽车〕上
例句:When all passengers were on board, the train pulled out of the station.
所有乘客都上车后, 火车开出了车站。

7. When the wind speed reaches 25 meters per second, the train starts to slow down to a speed of 70 kilometers per hour, and when the wind speed escalates to 30 meters per second, which is equal to grade 12 winds, then the train comes to a complete stop.

be equal to胜任,相等,合适
例句:A liter is equal to 1000 milliliters.

8. Manager Zhao Kaijun from Changzhou Airport says that in the wake of these accidents, the number of passengers taking flights has climbed back to 64 percent of what it was before the train lines had been constructed.

in the wake of尾随,紧跟,仿效
例句:Plague came in the wake of earthquake.

9. However, one commentary from Xinhuanet.com points out, for common travelers, while a safe journey is always the priority, punctuality is also very important.

point out指出
例句:He pointed out that there was little chance of success.