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1. He is a key reason why Philadelphia - in only its second season - is in the thick of the Eastern Conference playoff race.

in the thick of在最激烈的时刻
例句:We are in the thick of examinations.

2. But at the same time, for me personally, I knew I could do better, and I know that I can still do a lot better than I am doing now.

at the same time同时; 一起
例句:All speak at the same time.

3. I think that was kind of like motivation for me coming into this season
kind of稍微, 有点儿, 有几分
例句:I'm feeling kind of tired.

4. The former Pac 10 Conference Player of the Year while at Oregon State has become a scoring threat who does not shy away from big moments. 

shy away from躲开〔避开〕
例句:The girl shied away from looking the strange man in the eye.
这女孩很害羞, 不敢正视那个陌生人。

5. Sometimes you just tend to - you know - just put your head down and kind of get discouraged, but those are the times that the coaching staff did a good job trying to keep your heads in the game and trying to be focused.

tend to趋向
例句:Arthur's books tend to poverty.

6. The success that Danny Mwanga has carried over from his rookie season is all the sweeter now that the Union is among the league's best teams.

carry over使持续下去
例句:The habit carries over from my childhood.

7. Everyone is contributing in the team's success, and then on top of that, we're sitting at the very top of the Eastern Conference.

on top of除…之外; 接着; 在…上边, 在…上方
例句:He lost his job and on top of that his wife left him.
他失业了, 不仅如此, 他妻子也离开了他。

8. So I think it's a great season so far and I'm really enjoying it. 

so far到目前为止;迄今为止;到这点为止
例句:So far, so good.
到目前为止, 一切顺利。

9. Right now I'm just trying to work even harder and harder. 

right now此刻, 目前
例句:I have no time right now to discuss your problems.