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1. American food and lack of exercise has led to an ever-growing obesity epidemic in China's youth.

lack of缺乏
例句:He can not buy it because of his lack of money.
lead to导致, 引起
例句:An ordinary cold can soon lead to a fever.

2. This current epidemic is actually related to China's education model.

relate to涉及, 关系到…
例句:He showed me all the correspondence relating to the matter.

3. Parents chase after good grades and so they don't let their children play sports.

chase after追求
例句:She's been chasing after that man for years.
数年来, 她一直在追求那个男人。

4. Some members missed job opportunities because of their appearance, so they came here to build themselves up and lose weight.

build up增强…的体力,增进…的健康,锻炼(身体)
例句:The weightlifting built up his body.

5. Health is the priority and so they have a variety of activities and sports to keep the students busy during the day.

a variety of多种的,各种各样的
例句:Eat a variety of food.

6. As for the exercise, we focus on the aerobics and strength training to burn fat.

focus on致力于
例句:Many firms are focusing on increasing their markets overseas.

7. Just like in America, Shuaibin adds that a lot of overweight Chinese are looking for a quick fix.

look for寻找(某人或某物)
例句:Some birds are looking for food.

8. Our idea is different from other weight loss camps.

be different from与…不同
例句:Their school is different from ours.

9. Secondly, you have to stick to the diet they give you.

stick to遵守, 坚持
例句:Stick to the task until it is finished.
坚持下去, 直到完成任务。

10. Even though they wake up every day at 7 am, and have very long fitness classes during the day, they have plenty of support from the staff and each other.

wake up醒来; 唤醒, 弄醒
例句:Please wake me up at six.
plenty of很多, 大量的
例句:She had plenty of imagination.