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1. That's why scientists, fishery managers and advocacy groups are paying more attention to the small prey in the world’s oceans.

pay attention to注意,关心
例句:No attention was paid to his advice.

2. This issue is picking up more and more steam all across the nation.

pick up拾起, 捡起; 抬起
例句:I picked up your book by mistake.

3. There's more and more attention, more and more science pointing to the fact that we need to make sure there's enough food in the oceans.

point to表明
例句:All this points to the same conclusion.

4. But when talks turns to limits on fishing for small, schooling fish, then resistance crops up.

turn to (把注意力等)转向
例句:We are all turning our thoughts to the matter.
crop up突然发生; 意外地发现
例句:It had never occurred to her that a new possibility would crop up abruptly.

5. "Seeing that none of these stocks are overfished or even approaching overfished, I’d just as soon leave it alone," says Kapp.

leave alone不理, 不管〔惹〕, 不烦扰, 不干涉
例句:She wants to think things out quietly, so we had better leave her alone.
她要安静地考虑一下, 最好别打扰她。

6. We have enough regulations to keep track of as it is.

keep track of与…失去〔保持〕联系; 了解〔忘记〕
例句:As a doctor, Brooks has to keep track of the latest developments in medicine.
作为一名医生, 布鲁克斯必须了解医学的最新发展动态。

7. Environmentalists worry that rising global demand for seafood and fish meal will put pressure on small fish.

put on增加; 增加(费用)
例句:The rise in taxation will put pounds on the cost of living.

8. For so many years, we've looked at our oceans and we wait until there is a collapse of a fishery before we take action.

take action采取行动, 行动起来
例句:The police had to take firm action to deal with the riots.

9. We're saying it doesn't hurt to have a new paradigm where perhaps we take some precautionary measures.

take measures采取措施
例句:We should take appropriate measures to improve our teaching.

10. Emmett says it's premature to come down with a hard, regulatory hand.

come down下来, 下落; 倒塌, 被拆除; 患病, 病倒
例句:He came down with pneumonia last week.
上星期, 他得肺炎病倒了。