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1. Former Alaska governor Sarah Palin addresses a Tea Party rally in Iowa on Saturday and political supporters and rivals alike will be listening closely for any indication that she has decided to run for president.

listen for注意听, 等着听
例句:The children listened for the bell to announce the New Year.
run for竞选
例句:The Republican Party will run Johnson for President.

2. Palin has told interviewers she would probably have to decide by late September, and political analysts will be keeping a close eye on this week's Tea Party gathering in Iowa, at which Palin is the featured speaker.

keep a close eye on照看,留心瞧着,注意
例句:Keep a close eye on the guy. 

3. Palin's political action committee released a two-minute video based on her recent trip to Iowa that has increased speculation she is about to enter the race for the Republican Party's presidential nomination.

base on使建立在…基础上
例句:Action should be based on solid facts.
be about to将要,正打算
例句:She is about to retire.

4. "I think we are seeing a great awakening of the American public, the individual Americans who want the exceptional-ism put back into our country," said Palin.

put back放回原处; 拨回, 向后推
例句:The date had been put back from March to April.

5. Her difficulty is that if she does not get in shortly after next week then I think people are going to basically say, 'She is not in, she will not be in, and if she gets in I am not going to be for her.'

get in当选; 到达
例句:The Prime Minister's support got the official party man in.

6. Supporters had urged Daniels to enter the race earlier this year, but he declined and said he did not want to put his family through the ordeal of a presidential campaign.

put through实行; 完成; 使经历
例句:The trainees were put through an assault course.