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1. Zhang Xiruo is an employee working for a financial company based in Beijing. Her monthly salary is five thousand yuan.

work for受雇于
例句:How long have you been working for this firm?

2. But after the new personal income tax law takes effect, starting from September 1st, she only needs to turn in 10.5 yuan per month.

take effect生效, 奏效
例句:The prescribed medicine failed to take effect.
turn in上交, 呈交
Our papers have to be turned in one week before the examination.

3. I think the money saved from the tax reduction can be put towards my living expenses, like going to the supermarket.

save from从…中救出, 使免受
例句:It will save the student from wasting his time in exercises.

4. The major groups of people who will benefit from the new law are middle and low income earners.

benefit from通过…获益
例句:He thought he would benefit from going to school.

5. So, compared to the old tax law, which group will now be paying more?

compare to与…相比
例句:The writer was compared to Shakespeare.

6. Some experts have pointed out that just because fewer people are now paying personal income tax, this doesn't necessarily mean that the national tax income will decrease.

point out指出
例句:When the mistake was pointed out to him, he hastened to correct it.
当有人向他指出错误时, 他赶紧纠正。

7. However, financial commentator Ye Tan believes that a fixed threshold will hardly result in low and middle income wage earners being better-off.

result in导致,结果是
例句:The quarrel resulted in his mother leaving the house.

8. I think the threshold should be changed from time to time in connection with the Consumer Price Index.

in connection with与…有关,连同
例句:Tell me all you know in connection with that matter